Sacred Words: A Year with the Bible
The Problem
People who want to be faithful to Jesus are pinched between secularism that undermines the Bible and the spiritually abusive who are manipulating the Bible.
At best, the Bible is outdated and dusty. At worst it’s a weapon.
The Solution
Can you remember a time you were excited about the Bible? Let’s reclaim that.
This is not a year of defending the Bible. It’s a year of enjoying it. Of being nourished by it. Together we will untangle the lies society tells us about the Bible. We will unpack difficult to understand Scriptures and reawaken our imaginations. Together we will drink deep.
Can We Even Say “Bible”?
When exploring this year’s theme, Sacred Words: A Year with the Bible, that’s one of the first questions we had to ask. Which is telling in and of itself. But the hesitation was valid.
People are suspicious of the Bible.
When you hear the world “Bible,” what comes to mind? A set of brittle scrolls — outdated and irrelevant? Bible bashers who have turned Scripture into a weapon? A book full of “thees” and “thous” that is impossible to understand and really easy to mock.
But think back to a time when the Bible was sacred — sweet water drawn from a deep well in the desert. When it quenched and gave life. When it was a source of direction and wisdom. Of creativity and freedom.
What if we could get back there?
We want 2017 to be the year you fall in love with Scripture. When you rediscover that hunger for the sacred, even as you walk among the secular.
This year won’t be about proof texting to win an argument. It’s not about lucky-dipping into the tired-out verses that make you feel superior or ashamed. It’s so much more than that.
In 2017, let’s explore these sacred words with wisdom, passion, curiosity and purpose. Join us in a Year with the Bible!
What you can look forward to in 2017
This is a relatively new resource that we are excited to offer you this year! Every Friday evening, Dale or Jonalyn will broadcast a LIVE video sermon on Facebook, digging deeper into Scripture and once a month taking your live questions during “Faith Hurdle Friday”.
Each week’s sermons is available free for a limited time (Friday evening until Sunday evening), but can be accessed anytime by Silver, Gold, and Platinum Partners.
Sabbath Sermons with Dale or Jonalyn with new ways to approach the Bible including:
- The Most Misunderstood Passages of Scripture
- Our Favorite Life-Giving Bible Passages
- Famous Stories Updated and Re-Told
- Laugh-Out-Loud Things Jesus Says
- Silly Reasons to Reject the Bible
- Frustrating Passages of the Bible
Please note, these expire in 48 hours, but are available for our Silver, Gold, and Platinum Partners all year long.
Regular social media posting with invigorating scriptural perspective. If you’re not following Jonalyn’s photography, inspiration and encouragement on Instagram @soulationdotorg find her today!
Nothing is off-limits in one-hour, private spiritual direction sessions with published authors Dale or Jonalyn Fincher. Whether it’s hammering out a frustrating spiritual question or gently untangling a twisted piece of Scripture, this is a safe place to learn and grow. Sessions are $25 for high school and college students, and just $50 an hour for everyone else.
We will be opening up most of our eCourses for this year and adding new ones (see bolded titles below). Each one helps you think Biblically and not just “Bible-versely”. Find out how God’s word relates to our modern one.
Our online community of Christians working to hold onto and love their faith. If you or someone you love needs a faithful community to reclaim Scriptures, send them to us at Freedom Builders. We will provide an introductory class that revisits the core themes of Scripture like God’s love, forgiveness and how to read the Bible without spiritual abuse.