“I am a Christian, but I struggle so much with separating “what I’ve always been taught”, from what my mind is telling me about Scripture. It has given me so much to think on over the past few years, and it can be so overwhelming! The Finchers’ ability to verbalize what I’m going through is making me consider Dale and Jonalyn the only pastors I feel safe with right now.” – Linda
What is spiritual direction? eMentoring is a chance to receive spiritual direction from Dale or Jonalyn Fincher. Spiritual Direction, also known as soul care, is the practice of one person opening their spiritual life to the investigation and influence of another. Multitudes have found spiritual direction the key to rid them of long-seated patterns of brokenness and sin. For example, if you no longer want anger or lust to govern you, spiritual direction can help you use the very “cues” that once jump-started your anger and lust for jump-starting new habits. Your topic or issue may require several sessions to adequately cover.
How does it work? In this hour long, one-on-one, live interaction with Dale or Jonalyn Fincher you will use a private and confidential keyboard chat room. Type out your questions and Dale or Jonalyn reply through typing their live written responses. Receive a written transcript to reflect on after your hour is complete.
Is it the same as therapy? While Dale and Jonalyn have seminary training, eMentoring cannot offer the resources of therapy. If they feel your question merits meeting with a psychologist, Dale or Jonalyn will help you consider the importance of a licensed therapist.
Who to choose? Jonalyn specializes in spiritual direction, wisdom with major life decisions, relationships, sex, and gender. Dale specializes in spiritual direction, theology, and Scripture interpretation, and consultation for sermon writing (pastors needing help with difficult passages, this is your place!). You can send in your questions ahead of time so they can better equip you.
How to book? If the below appointment times do not work for you, please contact us at mail@soulation.org to set up an alternate appointment time.
To schedule an appointment, visit this page.
Looking for eMentoring+? Click here.
Interested in an additional hour of mentorship throughout the week via email with Jonalyn? Click here to learn more about eMentoring Plus.
*A discounted rate is available for high school and college students. If you fit into one of these categories, please contact us to learn more.*
Please note: This is pastoral counseling, not professional therapy. If you think you would benefit from professional therapy, check out our recommendations to make sure you find the right practitioner.